Family Fun | Summer

82 Fun Summer Activities For Kids

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Try one (or all!) of these fun summer activities for kids to bring a smile to your child’s face and enjoy the sound of their happy giggles as they enjoy summer vacation. The simple days of childhood may be in your past, but you can recreate them for your children with these simple and often free activities!

This long list of summertime fun activities will surely keep you and the kids busy all summer season. From checking out local events to attending free events and hosting fun game nights in your home, the list of summertime fun activities could go on forever.

Don’t forget to check out our fun guide on how to create a summer bucket list (plus 101 things to put on it!), too.

82 fun and free summer activities for kids with a photo of family enjoying watermelon and flip-flops

82 Summertime Activities For The Family

  1. Blow bubbles
  2. Attend weekly story time at your library
  3. Find a local free family movie night event
  4. Take a nap in a hammock
  5. Host a family game night
  6. Make soaps and give them as gifts
  7. Host a family movie night
  8. Have a picnic at your favorite park
  9. Enjoy an ice cream cone (maybe even make the ice cream!)
  10. Go skateboarding
  11. Take a long bicycle ride
  12. Be a tourist in your own town
  13. Make a family YouTube Channel
  14. Create your funny stories to tell each other at mealtime
  15. Enjoy a meal on your back deck
  16. Have a barbeque
  17. Take a nature walk
  18. Go to a local farmers market
  19. Go to a local museum
  20. Spend a day at a local playground
  21. Start a garden
  22. Make lemonade
  23. Go on Pinterest or your favorite website and find a fun craft
  24. Pick wildflowers
  25. Let the kids cook you dinner one night
  26. Create a new favorite recipe together
  27. Make a family summertime scrapbook
  28. Watch the sunset over a lakefront view
  29. Visit a local cemetery
  30. Volunteer at a shelter
  31. Donate food to the food pantry
  32. Make cards for the elderly at a nursing home
  33. Eat something new that’s only available in summertime
  34. Sit at the park and people watch (and make up fun stories about what you see!)
  35. Take a boat ride
  36. Run through a sprinkler
  37. Take a trip to the beach for the day
  38. Take a train ride somewhere
  39. Go camping
  40. Get a huge backyard game of Yahtzee or Chess to enjoy
  41. Learn a new skill like yoga or karate
  42. Go to a fair
  43. Visit a farm
  44. Build sandcastles at the beach
  45. Visit some National State Parks
  46. Pick berries at a local farm
  47. Go kayaking or boating
  48. Toss a Frisbee with family and friends
  49. Collect seashells
  50. Read a novel (join your local library’s summer reading program!)
  51. Walk barefoot in your backyard
  52. Play with shaving cream
  53. Fly a kite
  54. Have a water balloon fight
  55. Play baseball in your backyard
  56. Make a bird feeder
  57. Bird watch in your backyard
  58. Play soccer in your backyard
  59. Have a backyard scavenger hunt
  60. Make sensory bins
  61. Make a tire swing
  62. Swing in your backyard
  63. Make your own slip n slide
  64. Make play dough
  65. Make glitter slime
  66. Draw with sidewalk chalk on rocks or your driveway
  67. Paint rocks and hide them
  68. Make stress balls
  69. Wash the family car together
  70. Make your own frozen treats
  71. Make rootbeer floats
  72. Make banana splits
  73. Have a squirt gun fight
  74. Play laser tag
  75. Make your own lip gloss
  76. Watch the stars and try to find the constellations
  77. Play badminton
  78. Play pretend volleyball using a balloon
  79. Pick weeds from your backyard
  80. Make a blanket fort
  81. Go fishing
  82. Cook a meal together or bake a fun dessert

There are so many summertime fun activities that you can enjoy in your own backyard, inside your home or out in your local community. If you’re on a budget this summer and looking to have some fun, these summertime fun activities should guide you forward in enjoying precious moments with your family during summer break.

What else would you add to this list of fun summertime activities for kids?

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