Holidays | Kids Crafts | Valentine's Day | Winter

Heart Handprint Craft for Kids

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These simple handprint ornament crafts for kids are perfect for Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, or even as Christmas ornaments. Made with ready to go clay (or homemade salt dough), they are a lovely keepsake.

Every year when we decorate for a holiday, I love unfolding the tissue paper to reveal treasures; they are like a time capsule!

There’s my son’s sweet face on an angel ornament for our Christmas tree, the clay cross He made me for Easter, and these handprint ornaments for Valentine’s.

I just love the pictures I see this time of year with kids forming a heart shape with their hands. I’ve created a cute way for us parents to keep that little heart forever with this Valentine’s Day heartprint craft for kids.


I decided to buy a tub of air dry craft clay to keep this craft extra simple, or you can make your own salt dough at home (see the recipe in this craft).

How to make the Valentine’s Day Handprint Craft for Kids

Rolling the clay into a ball and then flattening the clay is a great fine motor skills activity. Once your child has finished playing with the clay, have them flatten the ball into a round shape about 1/4″ in thickness.

Help your child shape their hands into a heart and press each hand down into the clay. Older kids may be able to hold the shape with both hands while you help them make the clay print, but I found that doing one hand at a time made things easier for my younger children.

hand pounding salt dough for ornament

If you plan to hang the heart with a ribbon, add a small hole with the end of a paintbrush to the top portion of the clay circle.

salt dough ornament with hole to hang once dry

The handprint doesn’t always look much like a heart until the handprints are painted.

If you’d like a more distinct heart shape, put your hands around the sides of the clay circle in a heart shape and squeeze the clay until the handprints are more defined. This adds your heart to the outside of the keepsake heart!

Once the clay has dried, kids can paint their handprints. Paint inside the print with one color, and outside of the print with another to show off your child’s heart.

finished clay salt dough ornament for Valentine's Day

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